IM C6000OD systemOD system
IM C5500OD systemOD system
IM C4500OD systemOD system
IM C3500OD systemDouble-coil agitation system
IM C3000OD systemDouble-coil agitation system
IM C2500Double-coil agitation systemDouble-coil agitation system
IM C2000Double-coil agitation systemDouble-coil agitation system
OD (One-way circulation of Developer) system [A]

The developer supply/recovery route is divided to make the toner density uniform in the longitudinal direction of the unit and stabilize the solid image.

The amount of developer adhering to the development roller is controlled by a doctor blade [B] and supplies toner to the surface of the OPC drum.

Double-coil Agitation System (Twin-shaft Environment Development System) [A]

Toner transported from the toner bottle to the development unit will be agitated with the developer by two toner supply coils [A] and will be delivered to the development roller.

The amount of developer adhering to the development roller is controlled by a doctor blade [B] and supplies toner to the surface of the OPC drum.